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SC Governor's Quality Conference


The SC Governor's Quality Conference includes a powerful lineup of state and national award-winning speakers.  Typical speakers include the Governor of SC, representatives from Baldrige-winning organizations, and quality and performance excellence experts.  A focus is placed on improvements to the Criteria, and strategic approaches to achieving competitive advantages and excellence.  Special appearances are made from leading State figures, including the Governor.  Award winners are presented their honors, and their accomplishments are celebrated.


(Scheduling details will appear as Conferences are planned)


Seminars | Training


The SC Quality Forum offers specialized training for organizations planning their journey towards performance excellence.  Highly knowledgeable, competent and experienced professionals share their strategies, techniques, systematic process models, experiences and results with groups embarking upon superior quality in South Carolina.


Available to sponsors of the Forum:  Contact Bridget Dewees  

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Quest for Excellence Conference


Held annually, the Quest for Excellence Conference includes a powerful lineup of national award-winning speakers.  Typical speakers include representatives from Baldrige-winning organizations, and quality and performance excellence experts.  A focus is placed on improvements to the Criteria, and strategic approaches to achieving competitive advantages and excellence.  Special appearances are made from leading State figures, including the Governor.  National Award winners are presented their honors, and their accomplishments are celebrated.


For more information, please visit:




Governor McMaster

   Chair, Dr. Bridget Dewees 

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© 2016 South Carolina Quality Forum

Our Mission: To improve the competitiveness and performance of organizations operating within South Carolina.


Our Vision: To be the partner of choice for performance excellence in every sector of the economy in South Carolina.

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